What will it take?
What is going to trigger your transformation from being a doormat (aka Nice Guy) for people, to being a strong, confident man? Usually for Nice Guys, there is some event that will happen in your life that will make you stand up and say enough is enough. Sometimes it can be something as simple as being passed over for a promotion at work, or missing out on a dating opportunity because you were too shy to ask someone out.
Most Nice Guys know deep down inside that a change needs to happen. Most of us have even made numerous attempts to change our attitude and mannerisms only to revert back to our old patterns of behavior. Sometimes your motivation for change just isn't strong enough and it takes a cataclysmic event to occur that finally starts your permanent metamorphosis. That's what had to happen for me. What was the event that made me realize I need to change for good? We're about to get real here for a second.
My wife cheated on me. Pretty major event right? When I really look back on my life, every woman that I have truly loved has cheated on me. Now keep in mind that there is absolutely NOTHING you can do to keep someone from cheating on you if they want to cheat. But there are lots of things you can do to make the possibility of being cheated on less likely, which I will get to in later blogs.
Sometimes it takes something THAT major and catastrophic to facilitate true change in an individual. One of my reasons for creating this blog is to hopefully save a few guys from making some of the same mistakes I have made in my lifetime. I will not shy away from sharing my personal life either because I want people to see just how damaging being a Nice Guy can truly be.
So ask yourself. What is it going to finally take for you to make this change?
First off, I adore the delicious title of this entry, "Kafka and Bruce Banner." It is riddled with satirical and symbolic significance (but I should probably save a deconstruction of all that on my own blog...lol). As for today's entry, the inner turmoil and confusion experienced by Kafka's characters and Bruce Banner are inside of all of us all the time. We must come to terms with it, not because we want some ass, but because we want to love ourselves and be happy. Doing so enables us to find joy more quickly, which is the only point to living in the first place. Nice Guy or not, take the time to look at who you are and where your inner demons come from and you'll be a whole lot happier (and happy people attract happy people). Peace.