Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Winter Is Coming

So you've caught your woman doing something wrong.   Maybe you caught her sending inappropriate texts to a co-worker or male friend, or worse you've caught her cheating.   You've confronted her on the issue, she's sorry, you've forgiven her and you two are going to move forward.   Guess what's going to happen next in a few days or weeks?

Wait for it.....

Wait for it....

What's going to happen next is that after you've forgiven her, she is going to try and search for something that YOU did wrong so she can call you out on it.  People don't like for the spotlight to be on themselves if they've done something wrong, so it makes them feel better if somebody else has done something wrong too.  It's human nature to do this, and I can admit I've done it too.  This is why if you confront a cheater, sometimes the first thing they will do is start pointing out things that YOU did wrong.  If they're clever enough, they may even try to convince you that them cheating is YOUR fault.

Your woman digging for dirt also serves another purpose.  If you're the typical Nice Guy who pretty much just goes with the flow and usually lets your woman make most of the decisions about things, the discovery of whatever she did wrong causes a subtle power shift in the relationship.   When your partner or spouse does something wrong, they know that they can't make unusual demands of you anymore, or behave in the same manner they are used to because they are trying to get back on your good side.  

Women and society are so used to men being the ones that mess up, and women particularly don't seem to handle things too well when they're the ones that have to kiss ass to get back in your good graces.    Women who are used to having most of the power in their relationship HATE that they're no longer in control because of the power shift, so they seek to regain control by finding something they can chew you out over.   This is all so you can go back to your normal "puppy on a leash" routine of letting her lead you around.  Like Chris Rock said, nothing makes your woman happier than you doing something wrong so she can yell at you like a little kid.

When this happens guys, remember Law 15 of the 16 Commandments of Poon.

XV.   Maintain Your State Control

You are an oak tree.  You will not be manipulated by crying, yelling, lying, head games, sexual withdrawal, jealousy ploys, pity plays, shit tests, hot/cold/hot/cold, disappearing acts, or guilt trips.   She will rain thunder all around you, and you will shelter her until her storm passes.  She will not drag you into her chaos or uproot you.  When you have mastery over yourself, you will have mastery over her.

So now you know what's coming, and it's your job to not be swayed by the mind game she's going to play.

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