Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Hello There Neighbor

So I've always been a bit of a private person.   I usually prefer to have just a few really good friends and have everybody else be associates.    Being introverted is one of the things about myself that I've been trying to change for years, and I do recognize that it's good to have a bigger network of friends for social purposes, and it also helps for career purposes as well.    

One of the problems with finding friends is that the people we like to have over to our house MUST be open-minded and we must feel comfortable being ourselves around them.    Since we used to be swingers, it's not strange that we might have a cookout and a woman or two may flash their tits.   Or sometimes someone may want to smoke some weed.   Also if I'm in my own home drinking and it's a party, I'm likely to get drunk.   Not exactly something that everybody is accustomed to, and my wife and I certainly don't want to be getting drunk around people that are too "stuffy".

So in the spirit of trying to broaden my horizons and push myself out of my comfort zone, our neighborhood has a Facebook page and we decided to join.   From reading some of the posts in that group......we have some nosy ass neighbors.   I mean seriously one of them has a police scanner and sits around listening to it all day.   Then there were posts because a police car showed up to someone's house, and all the neighbors on the Facebook page were asking if anybody knew what it was about.   Seriously people?  When we had our daughters living with us, we had the cops show up twice because they got in fights (My wife and I weren't home either time) so I can only imagine what they think about us.  

I'm all about being cool with the neighbors, but something tells me I don't want any of these people in my business like that..  The neighbor that started the Facebook, of COURSE they are on the HOA board for our neighborhood, and of COURSE their kids are home-schooled.  I'm happy as hell we don't live beside them.    At our swinger parties this one female was always sooooo loud I would end up having to close the windows in our house.   I guarantee you they probably would've called the cops on us.   I can just imagine me telling the cops "No officer really, no one is being murdered.....she's just really loud when she has an orgasm".....

I'm halfway tempted to tell everybody on the Facebook page that we used to be swingers to gauge their reactions.   The ones that act shocked and appalled, we know to avoid those people.    Then perhaps we'll know the other ones are cool enough to invite over for drinks with our other friends.


  1. Maurice, I just discovered your posts. I have no idea if this is the best of them, but it's great.

    Part of me wants to be known as "the neighbourhood swingers" but with kids at home that's just not an option.

    Keep rockin'

    1. I feel your pain. It always sucks when you feel like you just can't be "who you really are" around your neighbors. But yeah with kids at home, you're smart to be cautious. I just wish people weren't so uptight. The same people who get uptight about nudity and morality probably have tons of guns at their house.
