Tuesday, February 25, 2014

First Visit to a Swingers Club: Part II

A few weeks after we did the tour of Club Sesso in Portland, we finally got up the nerve to actually plan a night to go there.   I was nervous as hell while we were getting ready, and I probably had to go to the bathroom like 4 times before we finally got in the car.    I don't know if my wife was nervous or not because she didn't show any signs of it.  We'd been talking about things for a few months at that point, and we were open to the idea of doing a soft swap with a couple if we ever happened to be in that situation.  My wife just wasn't ready to watch me have sex with another woman, and that was understandable.

We pulled into the parking garage, and I actually thought a few times about just turning around and going home.  We took a deep breath and we went in.   We got there around 9pm and there weren't many people there yet.  We chose this particular night to go because the door fee was 1/2 off for couples arriving before 10pm.  We sat at the bar for awhile.    We were still complete newbies to swinging at this point, so we thought all we had to do was just sit down and wait for people to proposition us...LOL.  We probably sat at the bar for about an hour and besides me saying hello to a few people, no one approached us with any conversation except for the bartenders.   Since we were newbies, we apparently weren't giving off the "Come and fuck us" vibe, plus we can both be a little shy in situations where we don't know anyone.    What was funny though is as soon as I went to the bathroom and left my wife alone at the bar, this single guy tried to hit on her.   I know what kinda place it is and all, but that's one of the reasons why single guys get such a bad rap in the swinger world.   A smart single guy would've tried chatting with BOTH of us, instead of being a coward and waiting for me to disappear....but oh well...

By 10:30pm more people started coming in, and we checked out the couples lounge.  We found an empty bed and starting making out on it, and eventually got naked.  It was a major turn-on watching all of the couples have sex, and knowing they were watching us as well.  Upstairs there is an "orgy bar" with a really big bed, so I wanted to check that out.  I was expecting more action as there was only one couple on the big bed having sex, and about 5 single guys watching.  There was one older guy just walking around with his dick hanging out, like he was just waiting for some random woman to come up and grab it.  Some of the upstairs rooms were occupied with the door closed so we couldn't watch.   We were told that the orgy bar really heats up for Gang Bang night, so we should come back then.  We went back downstairs and had some more fun of our own.  We left the door in our room open so people could watch.  Nothing like taking your wife doggy-style with a bunch of people watching.

When we left that night, we both were a little disappointed but we couldn't quite place our finger on why we felt that way.  I think we both had kinda built the place up in our head so we had these high expectations that couldn't be matched.  Some of it probably was us being so shy and not making an effort to try and talk to people.


We've gone back a few times since.  I'd say the most fun we've had is when Ron Jeremy throws his annual birthday party there.   The last time Dennis Hof (owner of the Bunny Ranch in Nevada) was there, and both he and Ron signed my wife's tits.   We also have a picture of one of the girls at the Bunny Ranch licking my wife's nipple.   We also got to watch these two couples putting on a show on the same bed, and it ended up with both guys having anal sex with the other guy's spouse, and both women squirted everywhere.   Damn that was awesome!

After a while though, we kinda felt like it would probably be easier to throw our own parties so we haven't been back for a little over a year.    I would definitely recommend paying a visit though if you're ever in the area.


  1. On the one hand, it's too bad that you guys didn't have an adventure the first time you went. I don't understand why you weren't made to feel more at home; like the owners or a rep saying hello, giving you a tour and maybe having an icebreaker you could have joined in. After all, you did show up early.
    And yes, my experience was more along the lines I just described. My husband and I felt very comfortable from the moment we signed in. And we were made to feel welcome- we were taken around the place and introduced to some other guests.
    House parties can be a L O T of fun insofar as it's common that everyone knows each other to some degree. I'm glad you're considering either organizing, or attending one!
    Great post!

  2. Yeah other than the tour no one introduced themselves to us or anything. We kinda felt like most of the regulars knew each other already and stuck to their familiar groups. Then again we were so new to swinging back then, we thought all we had to do was just walk in, and people would ask to fuck us...LOL.

    After we started hosting parties though, we had WAY more fun at house parties because everyone is forced to talk to each other
