Monday, October 28, 2013

State of the Union

I've posted a lot here about some of the troubles we encountered while swinging.

I know I may have painted my wife out to be a bad person with some of the things she did while we were swinging.

We are working through things though, and it's been a long road back to the recovery of our marriage.    I have to give my wife credit for putting up with my moodiness, and my seemingly spontaneous moments of anger or sadness.    She has listened to me vent all of my frustrations over what happened and she's generally been supportive.  

One of the things we promised each other is that we would tell each other everything.   Like she has told me her fears of thinking I am going to cheat on her out of revenge, and I've told her there have been times where I felt that was EXACTLY what I needed to do.  Honestly, we should've had this type of communication earlier in our marriage.

So our "official" stance on swinging now is that if we're around a female or a couple we trusted and something happened that wasn't planned, then that might be okay.   It's just not something that we are actively going to seek out anymore, and I can really only think of one or two couples that something like that would happen around.  And NO single guys.

Oh and remember that swinger couple that we lost as friends because I told the husband that his wife had some ulterior motives?  So I ended up sending the guy a text apologizing for causing stress to his relationship.  Notice I didn't apologize for what I said.   He said he appreciates the apology, but they don't want any drama and we just need to lose their numbers.   So fuck it....the apology was really more for me than it was for them.  I certainly am NOT going to apologize to the female though.  She was the one person cheering my wife on and applauding while she was cheating, so I could care less about her.   Sometimes people just aren't ready to hear the truth, so he'll have to learn the hard way like I did.  


  1. Maurice, your posts are so good! I have not enjoyed a blog this much since Fake Steve Jobs stopped dishing.

    1. Thank you for the compliment Tiffany, I appreciate you reading and commenting!
