Friday, January 10, 2014

17 Beliefs of the Super Rich

I saw this in an email I received, so I don't take credit for the content.    Seeing as how I'm trying to change my belief system about things (more positive thinking) I thought this was excellent to share.

17 Beliefs of the Super Rich

1.  Rich people believe "I create my life."   Poor people believe "Life happens to me."

2.  Rich people play the money game to win.  Poor people play the money game not to lose

3.  Rich people are committed to being rich.  Poor people WANT to be rich.

4.  Rich people think big.  Poor people think small.

5.  Rich people focus on opportunities.  Poor people focus on obstacles.

6.  Rich people admire other rich and successful people.  Poor people resent rich and successful people.

7.  Rich people associate with positive, successful people.  Poor people associate with negative or unsuccessful people.

8.  Rich people are willing to promote themselves and their value.   Poor people think negatively about selling and promotion.

9.  Rich people are bigger than their problems.  Poor people are smaller than their problems.

10.  Rich people are excellent receivers.  Poor people are poor receivers.

11.  Rich people choose to get paid based on results.  Poor people choose to get paid based on time.

12.  Rich people think "both".  Poor people think "either/or".

13.  Rich people focus on their net worth.  Poor people focus on their working income.

14.  Rich people manage their money well.  Poor mismanage their money well.

15.  Rich people have their money work hard for them.  Poor people work hard for their money.

16.  Rich people act in spite of fear.  Poor people let fear stop them.

17.  Rich people constantly learn and grow.  Poor people think they already know.


  1. Well may I call this out as completely erroneous. You cannot assert anything specific about the character of a person on the quantity of money they have, but you could on the way they treat it. Furthermore, your attitude towards life will be influenced by more factors than just the money you posses, at least if you ever thought about it by yourself. The accumulation of riches is not only a constantly fluctuating state, but also a matter of luck, opportunity, and priority. Oh, and poor people do not choose to be paid based on time, this is more relevant to the type of job you have, than to how much you get paid. This whole list is stereotypical and judgemental, without any justification behind the claims. If you want to change your belief system, I strongly advise you not to classify people as this list does. There is more to people than money.

    1. A couple of points to contend with here. I don't think anything in post said anything about character. There are good and bad people, both rich and poor.

      Poor people DO choose to be paid based on time, otherwise they would have a different type of job. No one held a gun to anyone's head and FORCED them to work at that type of job. There is "opportunity" for everyone, but like Henry For said: "People miss opportunities because it is often disguised as hard work."

      If anyone thinks it actually takes "luck" to be wealthy, then that is a shame. Sure you could win the lottery, but if your belief system about money hasn't changed, you'll be broke again. That's why most lottery winners end up broke again in about 10 years.
